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Low Interest Credit Card: How to Get Low Interest Credit Cards- DontSpendMore.comClick here to compare and apply for low interest credit card A low interest credit card -- who doesn't want one. I would be surprised if anyone said no to a low interest credit card. Yet, most consumers continue paying high rates year after year. Getting a low interest credit card may be easier than you think; a few simple initiatives could save you hundreds of dollars every month. Here's how: Call your credit card issuer. Most consumers will be able to call their credit card provider and request for a lower interest rate. Credit card companies know how easy it is for you to switch to another company and will be more than willing to consider your request. If they have different programs, ask if you could be switched to low interest credit card or a lower rate on your existing program. Always remember to read the fine print while considering any decision. Take your time to decide and choose carefully. Click here to compare and apply for low interest credit card Switch to a low interest credit card. If after repeated requests your credit card issuer refuses to lower your interest rate, look for another provider. There are plenty of low interest credit cards in the market. You can do your research online or offline. Transfer balances. A lot of credit card issuers will also allow you transfer your existing balance to their low interest credit card program. Our article on balance transfers would be a good read on this topic. Again, don't forget to read the fine print. Click here to compare and apply for low interest credit card Compare, compare, compare. The more programs you compare, the easier it will be for you to secure a low interest credit card. Be careful, though, don't apply to too many cards all at once. Too many applications in a short period of time can adversely effect your credit standing. Maintain good credit. The better your credit, the easier it will be for you to secure a low interest credit card. If your credit standing is not attractive, try to improve your credit record before you apply for a new credit card. Click here to compare and apply for low interest credit card
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