Terms Of Service
DontSpendMore.com is a free service that is dedicated to reducing your expenses on virtually everything you spend your money on. We strive to bring you the best offers and get you in touch with high-quality service providers.

DontSpendMore.com is a division of SAI Enterprises - a New York based company that has demonstrated record growth in the past 3 years. Our team of professionals is dedicated to bringing you the best deals and offers available.

DontSpendMore.com is only intended to serve as a comparative tool to help you in reducing your expenses. We are not responsible for actions of providers mentioned or linked on this site. All disputes must be resolved directly with the service provider. DontSpendMore.com will not arbitrate or mediate in any such actions.

If you have any questions or suggestions or need more information, please write to us at: info@dontspendmore.com


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