A travel rewards credit card appreciates your wander lust and gifts you when you go about satisfying it. It allows you to gain air miles when you fly by air, points when you get gas, points when you patronize hotels, points when you shop till your feet drop. It pays for your car rentals, it offers you travel insurance; it basically takes the mundane worries off your shoulders and lets you explore the universe with abandon
Who gives?
Most leading institutions give out travel reward credit cards including American Express, Chase Manhattan, Citibank, Discover and others What are salient features?
Travel reward cards are important assets for today’s traveler just as important as his travel guide. Most travel cards give you points on usage on preferred airlines, hotels, stores, gas stations, and partner chains. These points can be redeemed for free air flights, seat upgrades on flights, discounts or free stays at hotels, upgrades in hotel rooms, pay for car rentals, get discounts or redeem points at partner stores. There are some cards that even allow you to redeem points for cash. Some cards will also give you benefits even when you're not the traveler. There are some cards that reward you even if you are not the actual traveler and you have people traveling to you. Should I get one?
If you are a frequent traveler, it is an absolute must. It is imperative that you take time to pick a card that gives you maximum benefits. What would be a wise choice?
Generally travel cards carry a higher APR than others even though they may have a low introductory APR offer. Keep this in mind when selecting your card. While it is good to gain points on purchases when traveling, as it is convenient to buy something for loved ones at partner stores gleaming in the airport neighborhood, or for business expenses; it is not sensible to land up paying higher interest rates. Then all the benefits, be they rewards or air miles will amount to nothing but an added financial headache. Hence be sure to clear of your bills in full within the grace period. You do not want to carry any balance, be absolutely clear about that.
It is a no brainer that you need to pick the card with the lowest interest rates and maximum benefits and rewards. However there are a few other points that you need to keep in mind when selecting your card.
Partner network chain should be one where you normally make purchases.
Air miles must be redeemable across all airlines as far as possible and a wide variety of partner hotels.
The card company must have a good security program in place as when traveling, card thefts are common. The company must give a prompt response in terms of cessation of transactions on complaint of loss or theft. There are companies that offer zero liability in cases of loss or theft.
Please look up reviews from users on the net and get feedback about cards that they may already be using and note their satisfaction level on the various parameters discussed above.
What are you waiting for? You’ve a flight to catch, haven’t you? Happy globe trotting!